Classes at 9:15am - Service at 10:30am
At St. Clair Christian, we want you to have a powerful Sunday experience. You will experience dynamic worship, hear stories of real life change through video and special elements, and receive an uplifting message of hope. When you arrive at our campus, you can expect to be greeted with a warm welcome, a complimentary cup of coffee and donuts, and help from our team to help you with anything that you need.
Worship starts at 10:30am, and If you have children to check into our children’s ministry, you can park at the upper level and use the entrance upstairs.
If you are visiting for the first time, we will not embarrass you or have you stand up and share anything. We know that many people want to just check out the church and that’s fine with us! Come in, enjoy the relaxed atmosphere, and see if this is the church for you.
We are very casual! Come in what is comfortable for you because we are not about what you look like or what you wear. We have farmers, blue jeans, t-shirts and one dude who always wears a suit. Come as you are!
Our KIDS ministry offers a place where children from kindergarten through fifth grade can discover and develop a passion for God. Through worship, teaching, and a variety of fun activities, children are exposed to God's Word and challenged to grow in their relationship with God.
Our children's worship experiences are fully staffed with adults and high school students who are committed to teaching and ministering to children. You can be confident that your child is well-cared for and having a great time learning about God while you worship. KIDS Ministry is offered during our weekend Worship Experiences.
There are many ways to get involved. You can begin by attending our Starting Point dinner offered every other month. You can meet the Pastors and Elders of the church and other new families. Groups are another great way to connect. In each of these, you can build friendships, learn more about the life of our church, and have the opportunity to grow in your faith. We also have classes during the week on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 6:30pm and on Sundays at 9:30am.
Our desire is to see you become a fully-devoted follower of Christ. We will have discipleship classes through out the year that will offer the tools necessary to make this happen in your life. From the initial decision to follow Jesus to your involvement in life-changing ministry, we will lead you step-by-step from healing to growth and into leadership. Take your first steps at our Starting Point dinner.
Small Groups are an important part of our church life; in fact, you haven’t fully experienced the church until you’ve experienced our Small Groups. Groups allow you to meet other members and develop relationships that will spur your relationship with God. As St. Clair Christian grows, groups allow us to “stay small” and connected.
When you visit, fill out your get connected card, and let us know more about you and what you are interested in learning. Sign up for our Starting Point dinner and learn more about us at a free meal and ask questions, or just run and jump in! Why not jump and get involved in what God is doing here at St. Clair Christian!
If you have any questions or would like to learn more, you can email us or click on the button for more opportunities to connect with us.
Email us at