Discipleship is about following and learning from Jesus.  It means we walk as we follow.  We are moving and putting one step in front of the other and learning to walk in the way of Christ.

What is your next step?

Starting Point

Starting Point is the first class in our growth track and it’s really more than a class too.  We invite you to join us for dinner.  Join us as we give you the opportunity to learn more about our church, our leadership team and give you an opportunity to ask questions.  

Growth Track

Growth Track is our beginning discipleship program to teach you some of the basic steps of growth in your Christian walk.  It’s only the beginning of your learning in these different areas of growth and service.  There are other classes to help deepen what you begin to learn in these classes.

Home Groups

Our 2o/2o home groups are smaller groups that meet in homes throughout the week.  We believe that as we grow as a church we must also meet together in smaller groups.  Paul said in Acts 20:20 that he met with the early church in a large group at the temple and in their homes in smaller groups.


We are commanded to be using our gifts, abilities and talents to serve God, the church and the world.  Jesus made it clear to the disciples and to us that if He serves, then we should too.  


God makes it clear that we are to be baptized and that through baptism, we share in the death and resurrection of Christ and witness to the world our faith in Jesus.  If you haven’t been baptized and would like to learn more about this step of obedience and faith, or to schedule a time, click the box below.

Loving God… Loving others… Making Christ Known… Together!

© 2023 St. Clair Christian

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